Saturday, January 29, 2011


What do you look for in a dating blog? If you've been scouring the interwebs for a chronicle of slightly inappropriate, ridiculous, sometimes pathetic and always hilarious real-life dating stories, you've come to the right place. For the singles out there, hopefully you can relate to some of the situations and take solace that you are not the only one being tossed around by the rough waters of the dating world. If you are in a relationship, hopefully you get a good chuckle at my expense and then you can go back to feeling smug in your coupledom and relieved that this shit doesn't happen to you anymore.

A note about this blog: Nothing is sacred. I will post about anything and everything in the name of noble causes like truth and humor. So if you recognize yourself here, it's likely that you have been a douchebag. But don't worry, I change the names of the guilty.

I'm also looking for guest posters, so if you have a story, share it with me.

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